WhittleStrength had the pleasure of hosting a Wellness & Longevity Seminar on February 10th, 2024 in conjunction with Dr. Tom Cathell of Ashburn Natural Wellness and J. D. Birks of Birks Financial!

In his presentation, Dr. Tom covered everything from the importance of sleep to understanding the benefits of structured strength training and where to start if you’re new to exercise. He even talked about the importance of building strength and stability as we age to limit the risks of falls and injury and demonstrated to attendees how they can begin to train their bodies even at home with simple body weight movements.

For the nutrition portion of his presentation, he dove into the importance of eating enough protein, especially as we age and how to recover from exercise with proper supplementation.

In his hands-on portion of the presentation, Dr. Tom took attendees through a movement and structural balance assessment and showed them basic exercises they can practice at their home or local gym like body weight step-ups, cable rows and farmer’s carries!

One of the biggest takeaways from the presentation was the importance of execution. Even if you have a plan - it could be the PERFECT plan to achieve your fitness goals - it serves no purpose if you do not execute and follow that plan each day.

A note from Dr. Tom about taking action:

“There are many things that prevent us from doing the things that we know we should be doing or could be doing better. We can have all the information in the world, but that information does not serve us if we do not take action.

Finding our reason and having a clear and specific focus of why we want to make a change or take action is the first and most important thing to do. Knowing your why and your purpose will be the main driver to take action and to stay consistent when things try to knock us off course. This will also trump the excuses and other barriers that come our way.

The second most important piece is to have a game plan that will give us the focus, confidence, and faith that we are on the right path to meeting our goal. This will help us to maximize our efforts and efficiency and keep us on the right path.”

Some more topics covered in Dr. Tom’s Wellness and Longevity Seminar:

  • As a society, we are living longer, but aging more quickly leading to a higher number of years lived with disability/limitation.

  • Exercise is the single best intervention for longevity – if you want to live longer and better, start by getting your exercise house in order.

  • In regards to exercise, even small improvements can have significant benefits for our health, so don’t worry about being perfect or having everything figured out – just get started and get moving and progress along the way.

  • There are 4 primary components to a well rounded exercise program – stability, strength, low-end aerobic, and high-end aerobic.

  • Strength training becomes more vital as we age because many studies show that individuals with greater strength and more muscle mass tend to live longer, better lives.

  • Strength training also helps to maintain bone density, which is also vital as we age.

  • Making sure we get enough protein in our diet is paramount, as it helps to build/maintain muscle mass and strength.

  • Benefits of sleep.

  • Chronic pain is an epidemic and affects more people than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes combined.

  • Assessments of important metrics that relate to morbidity and mortality.

  • High reward exercises to incorporate into your strength training as you begin or continue your journey towards better health.

There are many crossovers between managing your health and managing your wealth and one of the key factors that can be seen in those who are successful in both is having a plan, sticking to it and being disciplined even when times get hard.

A big thank you to Dr. Tom Cathell and J. D. Birks for putting together this seminar! We appreciate them taking the time to educate attendees.

We thank everyone who came out to the Wellness & Longevity Seminar and hope they learned something that can implement into their own lives to better their health. We cannot wait for the next one!


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